[PDF] Between a rock and a hard place. How local communities pay the cost of EBRD-financed gold mining projects.
…This collection of three case studies presents local people’s experience with EBRD-financed gold mining projects from three countries…: Kyrgyzstan, where Centerra Gold [part of Cameco Corporation] operates the Kumtor gold mine; Armenia, where Deno Gold Mining, owned by…Dundee Precious Metals, operates the Kapan polymetallic mine…; Bulgaria, where Chelopech Mining, owned by…Dundee Precious Metals, operates the Chelopech gold and copper mine. The three exhibit a variety of environmental problems…[w]ith issues ranging from a cyanide spill…in…Kyrgyzstan to inadequate management of toxic tailings facilities in Armenia and Bulgaria…[T]he EBRD has failed to ensure that its clients pay due regard to public concerns and needs, and implement strictly national and international environmental legislation.