[PDF] Company operations in weak governance zones: a practical guide for non-extractive industries [begins on p. 24]
The objective of this text is to lay the foundation for a voluntary business code of conduct based on the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights created...for companies in the extractive sector (oil, gas and mining). The idea is to design a code/guideline drawing on this experience and that is adapted for other industries...The code should contain practical guides that help them deal with the complexities typically found in countries or locations where democratic governance has not been fully consolidated or where armed and social conflicts are ongoing...A code for companies in the sector that operate in zones of active armed conflict or fragile governability could contain the following elements:
- Risk and impact assessment guidelines.
- Security guidelines.
- Non-payment of extortion.
- Human rights and transparency guidelines.
- Promotion of security standards for unionized labor.
- Concrete commitments by governments participating in the process.
[also refers to Indupalma, Coca-Cola, Talisman, Chiquita, Nestle]