Continuing implications of 'Kiobel' decision on US Alien Tort litigation
Verfügbare Sprachen: English -
[audio] What is Left of the Alien Tort Statute after Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum? - Podcast
Verfügbare Sprachen: English -
US: Supreme Court Limits Suits against Rights Abusers Abroad
Verfügbare Sprachen: English -
Court reinforces pro-multinational decision [USA]
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Kiobel: US Supreme Court Review of Alien Tort Claims Act
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Companies Shielded as U.S. Court Cuts Human-Rights Suits
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Justices Limit Reach of Alien Tort Law [USA]
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Kiobel case: Corporate accountability for human rights abuses
Verfügbare Sprachen: English -
"Kiobel vs Shell" : multinationales et droits de l'homme devant la Cour suprême américaine
Verfügbare Sprachen: français -
[PDF] Kiobel and the Question of Extraterritoriality
Verfügbare Sprachen: English -
Shell, the Supreme Court, and Corporate Liability
Verfügbare Sprachen: English -
Views on Kiobel v. Shell
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[audio] Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. - oral argument, audio
Verfügbare Sprachen: English -
Supreme Court may narrow law in human rights cases
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Supreme Court Revisits Corporate Liability For Human Rights Violations [USA]
Verfügbare Sprachen: English -
Path from Kiobel I to Kiobel II: What’s at stake in reargument on Alien Tort Statute & extraterritoriality [USA]
Verfügbare Sprachen: English -
[PDF] Corporate Liability for Human Rights Violations outside the US: A Day-After Assessment of the Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Reargument [Washington, 2 Oct]
Verfügbare Sprachen: English -
[PDF] Esther Kiobel, et al. v. Royal Dutch Petroleum, et al. - Petitioners' Supplemental Reply Brief
Verfügbare Sprachen: English -
Shell: Alien Tort Statute not meant for international human rights
Verfügbare Sprachen: English -
[PDF] Esther Kiobel, et al. v. Royal Dutch Petroleum, et al. - Supplemental Brief for Respondents
Verfügbare Sprachen: English -
Kiobel brief shows State/DOJ split over human rights litigation [USA]
Verfügbare Sprachen: English -
Clinic Files Supplemental Brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in Kiobel Case
Verfügbare Sprachen: English -
[PDF] Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum, et al. [amicus brief in support of petitioners]
Verfügbare Sprachen: English -
The U.S. Supreme Court must preserve the Alien Tort Statute for international corporate human rights cases
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[PDF] Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum - Supplemental Brief of Amici Curiae German Institute for Human Rights and International Law Experts in Support of Petitioners
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[PDF] Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum - Brief on Re-Argument of amici curiae the Institute for Human Rights and Business, Errol P. Mendes, David Petrasek, John F. Sherman, III and the University of Minnesota Human Rights Litigation and International
Verfügbare Sprachen: English -
[PDF] Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum, et al. [Australian Intl. Law Scholars amicus brief in support of petitioners]
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[PDF] Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum - Brief Amici Curiae of Former UN Special Representative for Business & Human Rights, Professor John Ruggie; Professor Philip Alston; and The Global Justice Clinic at NYU School of Law in Support of Neither Part
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New SCOTUS brief: Keep international human rights cases in U.S. courts
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[PDF] Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum - Supplement brief of Volker Beck and Christoph Strässer, Members of Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany, amici curiae in support of Petitioners
Verfügbare Sprachen: English -
[PDF] Kiobel, et al. v. Royal Dutch Petroleum, et al. - Petitioners' Supplemental Opening Brief
Verfügbare Sprachen: English -
[PDF] Group of Study on Private International Law and Human Rights: Notes on Kiobel and the Question of Extraterritoriality
Verfügbare Sprachen: English -
[PDF] Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum, et al. [US Govt. amicus brief in partial support of affirmance]
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Pirates Incorporated: The US Supreme Court to decide if corporations are liable under the Alien Tort Statute
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Supreme Court won't rule this term on corporate liability for human rights abuses
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[PDF] Letter to the Boards of Royal Dutch Shell Plc and Shell Companies in Nigeria
Verfügbare Sprachen: English -
Kiobel Case a Reminder of Remedy Gaps Still to be Bridged
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[PDF] Esther Kiobel, et al. v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co., et al. - official transcript of oral arguments
Verfügbare Sprachen: English -
Corporate Immunity Looks Likely: Supreme Court Seems Ready To Side With Shell In Human Rights Suit
Verfügbare Sprachen: English -
European Governments File Supreme Court Amicus Briefs in Kiobel [USA]
Verfügbare Sprachen: English -
[PDF] Esther Kiobel, et al. v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co., et al. - Brief for the Respondents
Verfügbare Sprachen: English -
[PDF] Kiobel, et al. v. Royal Dutch Shell Petroleum Co., et al. - Brief for the United States as amicus curiae supporting petitioners
Verfügbare Sprachen: English -
[PDF] Kiobel, et al. v. Royal Dutch Shell Petroleum Co., et al. - Brief of amici curiae Intl. Human Rights Organizations & Intl. Law Experts in support of Petitioners
Verfügbare Sprachen: English -
[PDF] Kiobel, et al. v. Royal Dutch Shell Petroleum Co., et al. - Brief of Former US Senator Arlen Specter, Human Rights First, and the Anti-Defamation League as amici curiae in support of petitioners
Verfügbare Sprachen: English -
[PDF] Kiobel, et al. v. Royal Dutch Shell Petroleum Co., et al. - Brief of Earth Rights Intl. as amicus curiae supporting petitioners
Verfügbare Sprachen: English -
[PDF] Kiobel, et al. v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co., et al. - Brief for Petitioners
Verfügbare Sprachen: English -
Shell oil paid Nigerian military to put down protests, court documents show
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Supreme Court Urged to Review Ruling that Shields Corporations from Human Rights Suits [USA]
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US court upholds key Shell ruling in Nigeria case
Verfügbare Sprachen: English -
[PDF] “Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Corp. y los litigios transnacionales sobre derechos humanos”
Verfügbare Sprachen: español -
Whither the ATS? What is the Future of the Alien Tort Statute after the Second Circuit’s Ruling in Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum?
Verfügbare Sprachen: English -
ERI Files Brief for Human Rights and Labor Groups Challenging Corporate Immunity for Abuses
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Companies Immune From Alien Tort Suits, Court Rules
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Outrage at UN decision to exonerate Shell for oil pollution in Niger delta
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Nigerian tribe gives Shell an ultimatum
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Shell admits fuelling corruption [Nigeria]
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Shell reserves scandal may aid Ogoni case
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Shell Faces Human Rights Grilling
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Ex-Shell head to face Nigeria case questions
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Shell faces litigation
Verfügbare Sprachen: English -
Berger & Montague, P.C. Files Class Action Complaint Against Royal Dutch Petroleum and Shell Transport, p.l.c
Verfügbare Sprachen: English
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