Dozens of protesters in Japan...shouted and danced at the gate of a nuclear power plant after it restarted, the first to go back online since the country shut down all of its reactors for safety checks following the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Ohi nuclear plant's reactor No 3, in the western Fukui Prefecture [is operated by Kansai Electric Power Co]...Many citizens are against a return to nuclear power because of safety fears after the Fukushima accident in March last year...Protests drawing such numbers are extremely rare in Japan..The government has been carrying out new safety tests...and says Ohi No 3 and No 4 are safe to restart...In the latest problem at the crippled [Fukushima Dai-Ichi] plant, Tokyo Electric Power Co [TEPCO]...said the cooling system for the spent nuclear fuel pool at reactor No 4 broke down on Saturday...