Qatar: Kenyan worker describes human rights violations & barriers accessing justice after being recruited as delivery driver
Date Reported: 8 Sep 2024
Standort: Katar
Mulinya Manpower Agency - Recruiter , Shabwa for Trading in Food - Employer , Styt Byldynj Lkhdmat AltawsylBetroffen
Total individuals affected: 11
Personalbeschaffungsgebühren , Informationszugang , Einschüchterung & Drohungen , Wage Theft , Excessive production targets , Recht auf NahrungAntwort
Antwort erbeten: Ja, von
External link to response: (Find out more)
Ergriffene Maßnahmen: The worker was summoned to the labour office for not having a valid Qatar ID, despite having being granted a visa. The job turned out to be fictitious. The Nairobi recruiter denied wrongdoing and said she had reported the case to policy; fuller comments can be found in the report. The Kenyan embassy reportedly didn't support the workers, saying they did not offer repatriation. The worker had gone to police twice, Criminal Investigation Department once and approached an enforcement officer on the streets but none took action. He only returned home on a flight paid for by a civil society organisation. could not find company contacts for either Shabwa for Trading in Food or Styt Byldynj Lkhdmat Altawsyl.
Art der Quelle: NGO
“Dreams Buried: Building 18, Street 644, Al Rayyan, Qatar”
My country has an unemployment problem; by some estimates, between 50 and 70 percent of Kenyan youth don’t have suitable jobs…
Paying money to do a job is still a concept not many would understand… I don’t understand it myself. I paid a recruitment agent in Nairobi almost US$1600…
I borrowed the KES180,000 (US$1400) to travel…
I paid the agent, Hellen Dolly Konya of Mulinya Manpower Agency Limited …The offer letter was in the name of ‘Styt Byldynj Lkhdmat Altawsyl’ (State Building Delivery Services)…
…the employer was stated as ‘Shabwa for Trading in Food’ (which was a subsidiary of the company we received the offer from)…
Kennedy also told us that we would not be paid for the three months we spent getting the licence, and the fee would be deducted from our salaries …
Two weeks in, Kennedy had abandoned us completely…
Hellen Dolly claims she was contacted by a Kenyan man named Kennedy Maina, who told her his boss in Qatar had job openings….
Kennedy claims he connected Dolly with his boss…
[Abdoule Djidda Idriss did not respond to journalist’s request for comment. The Resource Centre was not able to contact Shabwa for Trading in Food and Styt Byldynj Lkhdmat Altawsyl to invite a response to the allegations; if a response is received in future this page will be updated accordingly]