Qatar Quarantine Ordeals
Date Reported: 11 Mär 2021
Standort: Katar
GSS Certis (Certis subsidiary) - Employer , Msheireb Properties - Client , Temasek - Unknown , Minor International - ClientAndere
Government ( Sector not reported/applicable ) - UnknownBetroffen
Total individuals affected: Number unknown
Wanderarbeitnehmer & eingewanderte Arbeitnehmer: ( Number unknown - Location unknown , Sicherheitsfirmen , Gender not reported )Themen
Precarious/Unsuitable Living Conditions , Verweigerung der freien Meinungsäußerung , Einschüchterung & Drohungen , Recht auf Nahrung , Personal Health , ImprisonmentAntwort
Antwort erbeten: Ja, von Resource Centre
Story containing response: (Find out more)
Ergriffene Maßnahmen: The worker reporting alerted the authorities on Twitter but they did not take action. It was impossible for the workers to report anonymously to the labour ministry. The Resource Centre contacted Certis, its holding company Temasek and real estate client Msheireb Properties, receiving responses from Certis and Msheireb Properties. In May 2021, Noah/Malcolm Bidali was arrested by the Qatari authority, ostensibly because of his activism. He has been released and charged with spreading disinformation and receiving payments from a "foreign agent".
Art der Quelle: NGO
Date Reported: 11 Mär 2021
Standort: Katar
Qatar Airways - UnknownProjekte
Mekaines Hotel (Mukaynis Quarantine facility) - UnknownAndere
Government ( Sector not reported/applicable ) - UnknownBetroffen
Total individuals affected: Number unknown
Wanderarbeitnehmer & eingewanderte Arbeitnehmer: ( 1 - Philippinen , Agenturen für Hauspersonal , Gender not reported )Themen
Recht auf Nahrung , Precarious/Unsuitable Living Conditions , Verweigerung der freien Meinungsäußerung , Personal HealthAntwort
Antwort erbeten: Ja, von Resource Centre
Story containing response: (Find out more)
Ergriffene Maßnahmen: The workers used the complaints hotline given at the accommodation but no one answered the phone and they did not have internet. Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited Qatar Airways to respond; their response can be read in full below.
Art der Quelle: NGO
We share three separate experiences of migrants in Qatar under differing circumstances and at different points in time. First, accounts from workers isolated in their accommodation after exposure to colleagues who had tested positive; second, a video and short explanation from a domestic worker who returned from a holiday and had to go through mandatory quarantine paid for by her employer. And finally, the experience of a worker who tested positive and was sent to institutional quarantine. Names have been changed to protect their identity.