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14 Okt 2010


Riwal investigated [Netherlands]

The offices of Dutch based international rental company Riwal were subjected to a search yesterday by the Dutch Ministry of Justice. The company has issued a statement saying that the search followed a report or claim by an unknown party. It says that the reason for the investigation is still unclear…Liesbeth Zegveld of Böhler the Amsterdam human rights lawyer, has issued a press release stating that she filed a criminal complaint against Riwal on March 15th on behalf of the Palestinian organization Al-Haq. The organistation claims that the company’s equipment has been used to help build the wall being erected between Israel and Palestine and in occupied territory of the West Bank.

Part of the following timelines

Dutch Ministry of Justice investigates Riwal - Al Haq alleges company involved in construction of wall between Israel and Palestine

Riwal lawsuit (re separation wall between Israel & Palestine)