S. Korea: Nepali worker dies by suicide after being subjected to violence from employers at farm
Date Reported: 27 Feb 2025
Standort: Südkorea
Not Reported ( Landwirtschaft & Viehzucht ) - EmployerBetroffen
Total individuals affected: 6
Wanderarbeitnehmer & eingewanderte Arbeitnehmer: ( 6 - Nepal , Landwirtschaft & Viehzucht , Men , Documented migrants )Themen
Tote , Mentale Gesundheit , Gewaltakte , Verweigerung der Freizügigkeit , Ownership of Property & Possessions , Verweigerung der freien MeinungsäußerungAntwort
Response sought: Nein
Ergriffene Maßnahmen: The Migrant Trade Union (MTU) has said that it will file a police complaint against the employer.
Art der Quelle: News outlet
“Torture of Nepali workers in Korea”
Tulsi Poon Magar, who had come to South Korea to work in the agricultural sector under the Employment Permit System (EPS), was found dead on Friday night.
Magar from Malika Rural Municipality-1 Niskot, Magdi used to work at Nan Usong Bangur Farm in Chhallanamdo Yangamgun, South Korea.…His colleagues have claimed that Magar committed suicide because he could not bear the constant torture from his employer and supervisor…
I have been beaten up four times within two months of coming here. Lal Bahadur appealed in the video…[he]…could neither leave the company nor return to Nepal. He chose the path of suicide…
…the victimized workers together with the Nepali supervisor Sujan Shah and the Korean employer demanded that action should be taken against the culprits saying that they took them to a corner where the CC cameras could not see them and beat them, did not allow them to carry mobile phones, and did not allow them to leave the company…
…the employer has promised to improve if there is a weakness on his part…
The Migrant Trade Union (MTU) has said that it will file a police complaint against the employer. MTU President Rai said that he will hire a lawyer to bring the torturing employer to justice and fight the case…
[The Resource Centre was not able to contact Nan Usong Bangur Farm to invite a response to the allegations; if a response is received in future this page will be updated accordingly]