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19 Apr 2024

Hee-hyung Cho, MBC (S. Korea)

S. Korea: Two union leaders arrested at protest demanding retention of Korea Optical High Tech workers

[Unofficial Korean-to-English translation provided by Business & Human Rights Resource Centre]

"Arrest warrants issued for two Metal Workers' Union leaders detained at 'Korea Optical' rally," 19 April 2024

...The Gyeonggi Pyeongtaek Police Department announced that it had applied for arrest warrants for the head of organizing and the head of the Gyeongbuk regional branch of the Metal Workers' Union on charges of breaking the back door of a factory during the protest and holding an illegal protest in front of a police station.

Seventeen people were detained by police at the protest site. The other 15 people were released, except for the two against whom arrest warrants were filed.

The Metal Workers' Union held a press conference in front of the Seodaemun-gu Police Station in Seoul..., criticizing the police for violently suppressing the Metal Workers' Union protest.

Korea Optical High Tech, which was founded in 2003 and had been producing LCD polarizing films, decided to liquidate in 2022 after a fire at its Gumi plant, and some employees who refused the company's request to retire are demanding to be transferred to other local plants owned by the company, including one in Pyeongtaek.
