Sagemcom's response to TTNC Watch report on Taiwanese Businesses in Indonesia
Sagemcom's ethical approach is based, amongst other input, on the International Conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO), the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Sagemcom‘s commitment is highlighted by its engagement in the UN Global Compact and its RBA membership.
The allegations of your report concerning the supplier PT Pega Unihan in Batam require further investigation. As a RBA member, we planned to audit this factory in the first semester of 2025. This audit will be scheduled as soon as possible, depending on the availability of our audit partners to make a complete assessment of the factory from an independent and qualified audit firm, in order to build the required action plans to correct any non-compliance that would be found during this audit.
As a mission driven company, Sagemcom is committed to comply with high CSR standards and is attached to the respect of the local laws, our ethical charter and the RBA code of conduct. Rest assured that all efforts will be made to correct any non-compliance that may be found in our supply chain.