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21 Aug 2019

Human Rights at Sea

Seafarer abuse continues with low settlement offers for outstanding wages

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Seafarer and Indian national 34-year-old Vikas Mishra from Jaunpur who had previously suffered 35 months and 13 days onboard the UAE flagged MV Tamim Aldar owned by Eliteway Marine Services Ltd without pay and seeing his family... 

Since 8th August, Vikas and his fellow crew members have been ashore in the UAE... he has only received five months salary. To date, he is still owed over 30 months salary amounting to in-excess of USD 71,000...

The remaining seafarers including Vikas are now being offered only 66% of their owed wages while other crew who have signed off have been reportedly paid up to 80% of wages owed by Eliteway Marine.
