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16 Jun 2015

Office of UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

Sustainable development: UN expert group calls for accountability of public and private sectors

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The United Nations Working Group on business and human rights today urged the UN system and all its member states to make globalization inclusive and aligned with human rights... 

The expert’s call comes as a number of key international negotiations are taking place on sustainable development goals for the world, development financing and the climate change, as well as a number of policy talks on trade, finance and investment. “Today we are at a major crossroads for making sure that the way the world does business, trade, finance and investment is not at the cost of human dignity, environmental protection, equality and sustainability,” said human rights expert Michael Addo... 

“We see in the newly proposed sustainable development goals that the private sector is envisaged as having a key role. At the same time, we are concerned that there is not sufficient recognition of the fact that business activities can also have negative effects on human rights,” the expert warned. 

Part of the following timelines

UN Working Group calls for "accountability of public & private sectors" in sustainable development

Post-2015 Development Agenda - the business & human rights dimension