Talisman Released From Genocide Case [USA/Sudan]
A judge dismissed a Canadian energy company [Talisman Energy] from a lawsuit that alleged it aided genocide in its pursuit of oil in Sudan, saying Tuesday the plaintiffs had failed to find evidence against it that could be used in a U.S. court... The lawsuit...was brought in 2001 by the Presbyterian Church of Sudan on behalf of...residents of southern Sudan who suffered injuries during six years of a decades-long conflict... The judge added that her conclusion "does not reflect a finding that the plaintiffs and their neighbors did not suffer great harms, or that the Republic of Sudan did not engage in gross violations of international law..."... The judge said the plaintiffs were hampered in gathering evidence because Talisman did not have an operational presence in the Sudan; neither the Sudanese government nor the consortium that ran oil exploration activities cooperated... [also refers to lawsuit against Chevron regarding Nigeria]