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16 Jun 2015

Nusrat Qadir, World Religion News

The Supreme Court ruling in favor of wearing the hijab is in favor of women everywhere

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In 2008, Abercrombie and Fitch denied employment to Samantha Elauf because she wears the Muslim headscarf known as the hijab. The company’s policy prohibited wearing of any kind of head covering forcing Ms. Elauf to take her discrimination case all the way to the Supreme Court. Thankfully, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Samantha Elauf, thus allowing her to work without sacrificing her modesty as prescribed in Islam. But this monumental ruling is more than just about the right to wear religious attire at work. This decision also touches upon the sensitivities of female appearance at the work place...Samanatha Elauf’s case highlighted that regardless if a woman covers her head or not, women continue to fight for equality in the workplace...The Supreme Court ruling upholds the American value of freedom of religion and enables hijab wearing Muslim women a fair opportunity to earn a living. This ruling also makes a statement about the right for all women to be valued beyond appearance, a fact that companies and countries worldwide are now forced to recognize...

