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3 Nov 2005

Caroline Wilbert, Atlanta Journal-Constitution [USA]

Turkish Coke bottler under fire

United Students against Sweatshops...[has alleged] that within the last several months, employees of a Coke bottler in Turkey were fired for joining a union. These workers protested and were beaten by police at the behest of Coke, the student group alleges. In a related move, the International Labor Rights Fund plans to file a lawsuit next week against Coke on behalf of the Turkish workers, said the ILRF's attorney, Terry Collingsworth. Coke says the labor dispute in Turkey has been resolved. "The Coca-Cola Co. and its bottling partners comply with all applicable labor and employment laws in the countries in which we do business," said Coke spokeswoman Kari Bjorhus in a statement. "We recognize international labor standards and are committed to respecting the workplace human rights of our employees and the parties with whom we do business..."