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23 Mär 2016

Stephen Peters, Human Rights Campaign (USA)

USA: NC Governor Signs Radical Bill Into Law Attacking Trans Students & Overturning LGBT Protections

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....North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory...[signed] into law an outrageous and unprecedented anti-LGBT bill...[that] eliminates existing municipal non-discrimination protections for LGBT people; prevents such provisions from being passed by cities in the future; and forces transgender students in public schools to use restrooms and other facilities inconsistent with their gender identity...Discrimination is a persistent problem for the LGBT community in North Carolina...The National Center for Transgender Equality and the National LGBTQ Task Force reported that in a survey of transgender people living in North Carolina, half of respondents had been harassed or discriminated against in public places like hotels, restrooms, restaurants and other public services....North Carolina is now the first state in the country to enact such a law attacking transgender students, even after several similar proposals were rejected across the country this year...
