USA: Total of 128 companies in lawsuit against Trump's travel ban
"Another 31 companies have joined the amicus brief against Trump’s immigration ban", 7 February 2017
Added to the original 97, and that brings the total to 128 companies who are publicly against Trump's ban, reports TechCrunch. The new companies are: Adobe Systems, Affirm, Ampush, Brocade, Communications Systems, Bungie, Casper Sleep, Cavium, Chegg, ClassPass, Coursera, EquityZen, Evernote, Gusto, Handy Technologies, HP, IAC/InterActiveCorp, Linden Lab, Managed By Q, MobileIron, New Relic, Pandora Media, Planet Labs, RPX Corporation, Shift Technologies, Slack, Technologies, SpaceX, Tesla, TripAdvisor, Udacity, Zendesk, Zenefits MG.