Workers allege million-dollar underpayment at Cheesecake Shop franchise
Date Reported: 6 Jul 2023
Standort: Australien
The Cheesecake Shop - Other Value Chain EntityBetroffen
Total individuals affected: Number unknown
Wanderarbeitnehmer & eingewanderte Arbeitnehmer: ( Number unknown - Pakistan , Nahrung & Getränke , Men , Documented migrants )Themen
Wage Theft , Dismissal , Einschüchterung & DrohungenAntwort
Antwort erbeten: Ja, von News outlet
External link to response: (Find out more)
Ergriffene Maßnahmen: The Cheesecake Shop provided a statement to the news outlet. Almost all Cheesecake Shops are operated by independently-owned and operated by a franchisee.
Art der Quelle: News outlet
The Cheesecake Shop is one of the country's most well-known bakeries. One of its stores in Adelaide is at the centre of a million-dollar underpayment lawsuit made by four former workers.