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1 Jan 2015

Xstrata lawsuit (re violent protests in Peru, filed in the UK)


Date lawsuit was filed
1 Jan 2015
Jahr korrekt
Nicht zutreffend
Verteidiger der Menschenrechte, Indigene Bevölkerungsgruppen, Gemeinschaft
Anwalt des Kläger: Leigh Day
Ort der Einreichung: Vereinigtes Königreich
Ort des Vorfalls: Peru
Art des Rechtsstreits: Transnational


Glencore Schweiz Metall & Stahl, Bergbau, Öl, Gas & Kohle
Xstrata Tintaya Peru Bergbau


Snapshot: In 2015, 22 Indigenous Peruvian environmental activists filed a lawsuit against Xstrata at the London High Court for its alleged involvement in violent protests with two deaths against the company's copper mine. They argue that the company provided financial support to the Peruvian police and logistical aid, equipment, and vehicles, encouraging them to use excessive force against the Tintaya mine protesters. Xstrata denies the allegations and stated that “protection [by the Peruvian police] was necessary…”.
