Zambia: Environmental management agency issues compliance and environmental restoration orders to KCM for "polluting the environment over 10 times the statutory limit"
Date Reported: 28 Mär 2017
Standort: Sambia
Konkola Copper Mines (Joint venture between Vedanta Resources Limited ((79.4%) and ZCCM Investments Holdings (20.6%)) - Subsidiary , Vedanta Resources Limited - Parent CompanyProjekte
Konkola Copper Mines - UnknownBetroffen
Total individuals affected: Number unknown
Public entity: ( Number unknown - Location unknown - Sector unknown , Gender not reported )Themen
Clean, Healthy & Sustainable Environment , Violation of environmental safety standards , Air pollutionAntwort
Response sought: Nein
Art der Quelle: News outlet
"KCM polluting the environment by over 10 times the statutory limit", 28 March 2017
The Zambia Environmental Management Agency has issued two separate Compliance and Environmental Restoration Orders to Konkola Copper Mines to address various environmental issues by end of this month. And documents obtained from KCM’s Legal Department show that the mining giant has been emitting sulphur dioxide and cadmium which are 10.3 times and 13.41 times above statutory limits respectively...In 2015 an eight year long legal battle by 2000 contaminated residents finally ended when the Supreme Court of Zambia confirmed the High Court’s opinion that KCM was guilty of ‘gross recklessness’ and damaging villagers’ health. However, the $2 million in damages earlier awarded by the High Court was removed, leaving the residents short of real justice. Subsequently London law firms filed for damages from Vedanta Resources on behalf of approximately 3000 of the contaminated villagers...