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18 Jun 2022

Lusaka Times

Zambia: Lubambe Coppper Mine is advised by the Mines Ministry to reverse the wrongful termination of 178 employees

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"Mines Minister advises Lubambe Copper Mine to reverse its decision to declare 178 workers redundant", 18 June 2022

"Mines and Minerals Development Minister Paul Kabuswe have advised Lubambe Copper Mine to reverse its decision to declare 178 workers redundant.

Mr Kabuswe said that the mine must withdraw all letters written to the affected workers because Government was not consulted over the matter.

He told ZNBC News in an interview in Lusaka that the Chililabombwe-based mine needs to discuss with the government and explain why it wants to fire the workers...

Last week Lubambe Copper Mines initiated the process for some of its over 500 employees to apply for voluntary separation without engaging the unions who represent the workers...

But Mine-Workers Union of Zambia President Joseph Chewe who confirmed the existence of the voluntary separation scheme at Lubambe, said the unions had decided to write to the mine after it went ahead to initiate such a move without engaging them.

Mr. Chewe said that the unions are social partners whose mandate extends to labour matters hence their displeasure that some of the over 500 unionized workers will be made to sign separation packages without the input of their representatives and without the mine explaining the rationale behind its decision."