Living Wage in Supply Chains
Fashion Checker found no public evidence that the company’s suppliers are paying workers a living wage.
Indicator last reviewed 22-03-2023
Global Framework Agreement
Company has signed a Global Framework Agreement, negotiated on a global level with a trade union.
Indicator last reviewed 22-03-2023
Transparency Pledge
Company has fully aligned or committed to aligning with the Transparency Pledge standard, by publicly disclosing information about their supplier factories.
Indicator last reviewed 22-03-2023
Global Apparel Facilities on OAR
Global apparel facilities on Open Apparel Registry
Indicator last reviewed 01-03-2025
Stories mit zugehörigen Antwort-Einladungen ? We sought responses from Arcadia Group to the allegations raised in these stories. Find out more about our Company Response Mechanism.
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