At the end of October more than 1500 security elements violently evicted a camp of 600 people who for 88 days had protested against the mining project of Minera Inversiones Los Pinares. Public and private security forces may have evicted the community with excessive force the women, men, old people and children who protected their territory. The mining project was authorized by the congress without having carried out a prior consultation process. The communities argue that the project will negatively impact access to water and the environment. Journalists and social communicators allegedly suffered abuses in the eviction of Guapinol, including tear gas bombing, getting hit by stones, being kicked, and having had their equipment confiscated and their information erased. Allegedly, police and military specifically targeted them, using swear words and death threats, due to their informative work. The following week, there was a meeting held between the mayor, residents of Guapinol and the executives of the company Inversiones Los Pinares.