12 results
Series Building a binding instrument on business & human rights
An instrument at the global level will help to level the playing field across jurisdictions, bringing more clarity to corporations with regard to the context in which they conduct their operations and more certainty for victims of corporate abuse with regard to access to remedy.
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Series The Elements for the treaty on business & human rights: Is it a step forward?
The setting out of the draft elements constitutes a step forward from the more abstract discussions of the first two sessions. However, these positive items are at times overshadowed by the imprecise technique in several paragraphs, gaps, and some exaggerated formulations.
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Series A Legally Binding Instrument on Business & Human Rights - A Necessary Step in the Long Run
In this moment of great opportunities to advance the international human rights law framework and of great pressure from the international civil society...the Working Group Elements sets a good starting point for the debate.
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Series UN treaty on business and human rights: An historic opportunity to ensure effective remedy for victims
Without effective remedy on the ground, the treaty will fail the very people it is supposed to serve. We need a step up from the UNGPs; a step that moves us from voluntary commitments to binding and enforceable obligations.
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Series A Gordian knot - the proposed business and human rights treaty
The proposed treaty is also one of a number of current initiatives contributing to the development of a legal and governance ecosystem which seeks to regulate, in a broad sense, corporate engagement, conduct and accountability in the area of business and human rights. All of these initiatives should remain a priority.
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Series A winding road towards a binding treaty on business & human rights: A focus on Italy
The Italian Government should provide more data about the implementation of the Italian National Action Plan on business and human rights, as an additional – and not alternative – tool to the legally binding instrument to be negotiated in Geneva.
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Series Ecuador’s Proposed Elements of a Treaty on Business and Human Rights: Off to a Good Start
Can a balance be achieved between a treaty that affords meaningful protection to victims of business-related human rights violations, while also attracting a meaningful number and mix of states to join the treaty?
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Series The treaty process can serve as a catalyst for effective reforms at domestic levels
The treaty process must be used strategically – at all levels - as an opportunity to trigger change.
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Series Get real or we'll get nothing: Reflections on the First Session of the Intergovernmental Working Group on a Business and Human Rights Treaty
If there is to be any hope of further international legalization in the business and human rights domain, civil society needs to help by advancing workable proposals that states cannot ignore or dismiss out of hand.
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Series "Ready, Steady, Debate!": Treaty Talks Begin at UN
The right treaty can benefit everyone and cohere with the Guiding Principles; to get there, we need a broad open debate.
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