846 results
RWE lawsuit: First test case in Europe to clarify responsibilities of carbon majors for climate change
The Corporate Legal Accountability team interviews Dr. Roda Verheyen, counsel in Lliuya v. RWE AG and Roxana Baldrich & Christoph Bals, Germanwatch: "The Huaraz case represents the first lawsuit in Europe where a person affected by the hazards of climate change has sued a private company, which is the biggest emitter of Europe."
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Observations on the Zero Draft - A Detailed Proposal for a System of Arbitration
I propose that the “competent court”...should include an international arbitral tribunal to increase the Convention’s efficacy and efficiency and to properly capture its transnational character.
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Clever Complementarities: What the OHCHR’s Accountability and Remedy Project Adds to the Treaty Discussions
The work done under the auspices of the OHCHR’s Accountability and Remedy Project potentially complements the IGWG process in a number of important and specific ways.
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Why the Treaty Draft is a Serious Basis for Negotiations
The draft treaty tackles many important accountability gaps highlighted by diverse social movements, victims groups and other civil society organizations demanding for the evolution of international human rights law, but there is still big room for improvement.
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What the Zero Draft and Protocol Lack: Meaningful Access to Justice – a Global South Perspective
We need to establish a victim-centered system with enough clarity, and until then affected communities in the Global South and throughout the world will continue the struggle to access justice.
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