846 results
Ecuador’s Proposed Elements of a Treaty on Business and Human Rights: Off to a Good Start
Can a balance be achieved between a treaty that affords meaningful protection to victims of business-related human rights violations, while also attracting a meaningful number and mix of states to join the treaty?
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UN treaty on business and human rights: An historic opportunity to ensure effective remedy for victims
Without effective remedy on the ground, the treaty will fail the very people it is supposed to serve. We need a step up from the UNGPs; a step that moves us from voluntary commitments to binding and enforceable obligations.
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A Gordian knot - the proposed business and human rights treaty
The proposed treaty is also one of a number of current initiatives contributing to the development of a legal and governance ecosystem which seeks to regulate, in a broad sense, corporate engagement, conduct and accountability in the area of business and human rights. All of these initiatives should remain a priority.
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A winding road towards a binding treaty on business & human rights: A focus on Italy
The Italian Government should provide more data about the implementation of the Italian National Action Plan on business and human rights, as an additional – and not alternative – tool to the legally binding instrument to be negotiated in Geneva.
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