11 results
Reflections on a week of negotiations on a legally binding treaty on business & human rights
Last week, states and civil society organisations (CSOs) gathered in Geneva for the 9th session of negotiations dedicated to elaborating a legally binding instrument (LBI) on business and human rights. Elodie Aba and Michael Clements reflect on the discussions and look forward to the next steps.
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Reclaiming states’ economic sovereignty: the crux of the new treaty on business and human rights
Olivier De Schutter, UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights outlines the urgent need for a global, legally binding instrument to tackle the unprecedented concentration of economic power in the hands of a small number of large corporate groups, the so-called “lead companies” controlling global supply chains, which is undermining the economic sovereignty of all nations.
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Five reasons the Binding Treaty needs to be feminist
If the Binding Treaty is to really make a difference, it should consider the specific challenges faced by women, gender-diverse people and their communities in the face of corporate abuses...We need a feminist Binding Treaty that holds businesses accountable, and therein, puts people before profit.
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Building momentum to negotiate a stronger binding business and human rights treaty for all
In order to support and elevate efforts from civil society organisations, workers and communities, especially those in the Global South, the Business and Human Rights Resource Centre and its partners recently convened a series of three webinars to foster critical thinking around the Binding Treaty.
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Achieving a sustainable society through respect for human rights in the supply chain
To create a sustainable society, respect for human rights throughout the supply chain is essential. Professor Emi Sugawara, from the Osaka University of Economics and Law, discusses in this latest blog.
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Why access to effective remedy is a top priority: Reflections on Article 7 of the Binding Treaty
Without a strong binding treaty that addresses hurdles to accessing justice, the hope of realising corporate accountability will never be fulfilled. Obert Bore, Responsible Business and Human Rights Lead at the Zimbabwe Environmental Law Association (ZELA) elaborates in this blog.
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The elephant in the room: reflections on the updated draft of the legally binding treaty
Andressa Soares, Director of Homa - Human Rights and Business Institute, explores the current mismatch between calls from the international community, backed up by affected communities, for a strong treaty - against the updated draft text which appears to be losing crucial elements.
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Negotiating the scope of human rights due diligence in the UN binding treaty & the EU CSDDD
As trilogue negotiations for the proposed EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive continue and an updated draft of the UN legally binding instrument on business and human rights was recently published in advance of the 9th working group session in October, there is an opportunity to influence both debates and negotiations to maximise impact, argue Jasmine Elliott & Irene Pietropaoli from the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL).
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Losing way? Concerns ahead of the 9th round of negotiations on the Binding Treaty
Viviana Tacha of SIEMBRA outlines her concern the latest updated draft Binding Treaty on business and human rights ignores many valuable considerations from states, civil society organisations and communities affected by the activities of transnational corporations, diminishing the strength of the political process and undermining the effectiveness of the legal instrument being drafted and negotiated.
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Reflections on the Binding Treaty process: War economies & voices from the Global South
In a world grappling with over a hundred active armed conflicts, comprehending the interplay between transnational corporations and war economies becomes pivotal, argues Al-Haq. Dr Shahd Hammouri & Wesam Ahmad outline their concerns the existing Binding Treaty draft inadequately acknowledges this, and that acknowledging these intricate interconnections is indispensable for fostering a more equitable and just world.
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