850 results
Post Arms manufacturers and complicity in crimes against humanity in Gaza
Major arms manufacturers such as BAE Systems, Boeing, Caterpillar, and Lockheed Martin have achieved record profits and climbing stock prices amid Israel’s war on Gaza. However, these companies alongside global investors, are now the subject of warnings about complicity in crimes against humanity in Gaza.
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Post Corporate responsibility to avoid complicity in genocide in Gaza
What are the implications of the ICJ's identification of "real and imminent risk" of genocide in Gaza for corporations with operations or business relationships with or in Israel? Dr Irene Pietropaoli looks at the steps corporations must take in line with their obligations under international law not be complicit in and to ensure the prevention of genocide.
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Post Worker organising as a remedy for forced labour
Effective remedies for forced labour must include the full participation and engagement of workers alongside binding regulation, including forced labour import bans and legally binding agreements, if they are to be impactful and durable, argues Jennifer Gordon, Professor of Law at Fordham Law School. This will guarantee labour rights and dignity for workers.
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Series CSDDD – A timid step forward in the fight against corporate human rights abuse
Key TU representatives welcome the approval of the CSDDD, but raise concerns over its ambition. They urge member states to take full advantage of the flexibility allowed to create stronger rules that will be more effective in protecting the rights of workers and trade unions when transposing into national law.
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Series Sweden's CSDDD U-turn crucial step forward
Sweden’s fresh support for the CSDDD demonstrates there is a decisive affinity within the Council of Europe to hold companies accountable, argues Mathieu Vervynckt, Swedwatch.
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Post Climate science and fossil fuel accountability (part 1)
How climate science can be used in court to hold fossil fuel companies accountable (part 1): Climate science and causation – the role of attribution science
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Post Climate science and fossil fuel accountability (part 2)
How climate science can be used in court to hold fossil fuel companies accountable (part 2): Climate science and emissions reductions – assessing targets and measures
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Post The case for a people-centred just energy transition
A global energy transition that is fast without being fair to Indigenous Peoples, workers and other communities risks falling flat. The International Energy Agency can help accelerate these efforts globally by recognising the centrality of human rights in the energy transition.
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Series Beyond tier 1: Exploring “substantiated knowledge” in the German Supply Chain Act
We analysed our own database of allegations of abuse against companies headquartered in Germany to unpick how “substantiated knowledge” can be most effectively applied to ensure the spirit of the law is upheld.
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Series French case law confirms necessity to reassess the weight given to audits in business and human rights court cases
Recent French case law shows that social audits are being given undue weight in some business and human rights court cases. Laura Bourgeois and Clara Grimaud from Sherpa explore what steps could be taken to reduce the illegitimate reliance on audits as evidence in court.
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