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This section contains opinion pieces from the business and human rights movement, written by both our global team and many authors outside of our organisation. These have been curated and published by Business & Human Rights Resource Centre.
As we look ahead to the year in business and human rights, we see three key issues that we all need to be alert to, and three huge opportunities for 2025, says Executive Director Phil Bloomer.
Business and human rights experts share their reflections on the treaty process for the last 10 years and the key points to address as it moves forward.
On 24 February Russia invaded Ukraine prompting widespread global economic sanctions. Businesses operating in Russia have been under pressure to review their presence and undertake heightened due diligence - but one year on more than 1,000 companies are still present and there is little evidence of effective action.
Experts from civil society, governments and business discuss what Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence could mean for advancing human rights in business.
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850 results