Business and International Crimes - Assessing the Liability of Business Entitiesfor Grave Violations of International Law
Business and International Crimes [BIC] is an attempt to provide greater clarity and definition to the question of what types of activities, when committed or aided by businesses, might lead to liability under international law. The [BIC] project is intended to promote the systematic identification and strengthening of existing criminal law norms and practices in order to deter illicit economic exploitation in repressive or war-torn countries. New Release: ["] Commerce, Crime and Conflict: Legal Remedies for Private Sector Liability for Grave Breaches of International Law ["] The web site describes the types of conduct that constitute breaches of international humanitarian (IHL) and international criminal law (ICL) and provides examples in which business entities have been brought to court for crimes that constitute breaches of IHL and ICL. The [BIC] web site includes...Sixteen (16) comparative surveys of national jurisdictions outlining in each country to provisions creating private sector liability for grave violations of international law...[countries are] Canada, France, Norway, the United Kingdom, the United States, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, the Netherlands, South Africa, Spain, Ukraine. [the surveys are available for downloading in pdf format on this page]