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From the Resource Centre ? This section is a non-exhaustive snapshot of company behaviour recorded by the Resource Centre. We record allegations of abuse, seek company responses, profile lawsuits, and record attacks against Defenders working on business issues.


Human Rights Policy ? Company policy describing its approach and commitment to human rights

EITI Supporter ? Whether the company is a supporter of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative

Vigilance Plan (France) ? Vigilance plan published under the French Duty of Vigilance law


Scorecard: Renewable Energy Benchmark 2023 ? Methodology and scores for the 2023 Renewable Energy Benchmark are available at https://www.business-humanrights.org/REB23. Scores are only comparable within the same sub-category of companies.
Indicator last reviewed 14-11-2023

BHRRC Project: Extractives in Eastern Europe & Central Asia actions ?

Information in this section obtained through company survey responses, public statements and/or policies. Implementation of actions not verified by suppliers, workers, HRDs or affected communities.

BHRRC Project: Extractives in Eastern Europe & Central Asia Tracker

Total Extractives in Eastern Europe Investor Outreach Response

Total Extractives in Eastern Europe Investor Outreach Response

Source: BHRRC Outreach

Following our June 2021 'Digging in the shadows' report, the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre reached out to Western investors and shareholders with current investments in projects with particularly serious human rights allegations. We narrowed the list to exclude intermediary companies, and did not contact investors who exclusively invested in projects where we did not find significant human rights allegations.

You can find here the letter we sent Total, followed by the response provided where relevant.

Snapshot fetched: Nov. 29, 2021, 9 a.m.
See full Document

Investor Outreach Response

Benchmark rankings

CHRB 2018
? The 2018 Corporate Human Rights Benchmark assessed 100 of the largest publicly traded companies in the world on a set of human rights indicators.
46.5 / 100
CHRB 2019
? The 2019 Corporate Human Rights Benchmark assesses 200 of the largest publicly traded companies in the world on a set of human rights indicators.
51.3 / 100
Renewable Energy & Human Rights Benchmark 2023
? The 2023 Renewable Energy & Human Rights Benchmark examines the human rights policies of 28 of the largest wind and solar developers and manufacturers. Scores are only comparable within the same sub-category of companies.
24 / 100

Top associated countries

TotalEnergies (formerly Total) has been referenced in news articles and reports on our website.

Company mentions (Articles, reports, news etc.)

Company headquarters

Company mentions (Articles, reports, news etc.) in disputed regions

Company headquarters in disputed regions