Dutch Banking Sector Agreement partners publish first annual report; incl. analysis of cocoa supply chain
"Dutch Banking Sector Agreement partners publish annual report with new analysis of cocoa sector", 9 August 2018
The first annual report of the agreement describes the progress that the parties and adhering banks have made. For example, many of the banks have improved their grievance mechanisms and made them accessible for non-clients as well. The annual report also includes recommendations of an external monitoring committee... According to the monitoring committee, the participants are making solid progress... [P]arties and adhering banks are advised to mark the agreement as a sufficiently high priority in order to yield visible results next year...
...In this new analysis, banks, CSOs, government and trade unions have pooled their knowledge to map the cocoa value chain and to identify the parts of the chain where banks can exercise leverage... The parties will decide jointly how to address the recommendations. A similar analysis is being produced for the palm oil value chain; stakeholders are invited to respond to the consultation version of the palm oil analysis.
Furthermore, a joint analysis has been produced describing how parties and banks can jointly increase leverage as a group...