Germany: "Green button" certification launched
On 22 July 2019, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) announced the launch of the introductory phase of the Grüner Knopf ("green button") certifcation - a global certification mark owned by BMZ - along with a call to interested companies to apply.
The Green Button sets requirements for both products and companies. Products must comply with 26 social and environmental requirements and companies are required to demonstrate human rights and environmental due diligence according to a set of 20 criteria based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights as well as sector-specific OECD recommendations. During the introductory phase, the scheme will apply to two manufacturing stages, namely ‘cut-make-trim’ (production) and ‘bleaching and dyeing’ (wet processes).
According to German media reports, there is already a lot of interest from companies to apply.
In a statement published on 15 July, Clean Clothes Campaign welcomed the inclusion of requirements for companies, however raised a number of concerns including amongst others around the eligibility criteria for companies, product certification requirements as well as supply chain transparency and traceability (available in German only).
Further information can be found below.