Gulf cos. "taking advantage" of COVID-19 to terminate workers' contracts & avoid paying overdue wages
"Covid-19 and migrant workers: the great wage robbery," 16 Jun 2020
Bangladesh Civil Society for Migrants [has] expressed concern that during the pandemic, some destination countries [in the Gulf] are exerting pressure on the origin countries to take back the latter's nationals...
[E]mployers who could still manage to run their enterprises are terminating the contracts of migrant workers [taking the] opportunity to rob the workers of the huge sums of money that they are owed. A huge number of cases were reported where months of due wages and benefits have been withheld...
[C]ountries of origin reluctantly became party to repatriation (in effect deportation) procedures conducted hastily, without any redress mechanism... when courts and other dispute settlement mechanisms in the countries of destination remain closed.