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22 Jul 2024

Full stack Developer - Issara Institute

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Issara Institute is seeking experienced mid-level/senior full stack developers to grow our Tech and Innovation Team! We have a small but growing team of veteran software engineers, and we are building tools and applications to help fight human trafficking and support workers in Asian supply chains. Issara takes an innovative approach to working on labour exploitation within global supply chains - utilizing various data streams including a range of worker voice channels to empower workers, and to inform global buyer partners regarding human rights due diligence and remediation needs. The ideal candidate is interested in integrating the tech and non-profit worlds; willing to work closely with our teams in Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Malaysia, Nepal, and the United States; keen to understand the needs of users (our team, workers, jobseekers, businesses); and, has experience building web applications and at least an advanced knowledge of Django and React JS.


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For more information please follow the link to the job

Link to Job