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15 Jul 2024

SA8000 Standard Revision Consultant - Social Accountability International

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In 2024, SAI is undertaking a full revision of our SA8000 Standard for Decent Work. The SA8000 Standard is the basis for all of SAI’s programs to advance human rights for workers around the world, from our flagship SA8000 Certification Program to our capacity building work with brands, companies and other organizations, to our systems-focused landscape projects. It is also used as a benchmark by many other standards, policymakers, and in company codes of conduct.

The purpose of this revision is to ensure that the SA8000 Standard continues to serve as a leading benchmark for ethical workplaces at all levels of the value chain, reflecting evolving human rights risks and good practices. To achieve this, we are seeking an experienced consultant to provide expert guidance and input to the review and feedback process, taking place from July-December 2024. Working closely with the Standard Revision Technical Team, the Consultant will:

  • Advise and help structure the final phase of the feedback process for SAI’s revision of our SA8000 Standard, which will include individual stakeholder and expert consultations, 60-day public comment period, and meetings of SAI stakeholder committees.
  • Organize, analyze, and synthesize feedback received for review and integration by technical team.
  • Participate in and facilitate meetings as needed.
  • As needed, support technical team with research and review, such as:
    • Comparing draft against other standards and frameworks
    • Creating and/or organizing references and definitions


New York, NY (Preferred)
Rates negotiable
Closing date
8 Aug 2024

For more information please follow the link to the job

Link to Job