Part of the following timelines
Peru: Conga mining project suspended following protests over water supplies
Minera Yanacocha S.R.L. lawsuit (re Conga mining project, Peru)
Peru: Court declares lawsuit against Minera Yanacocha S.R.L. and Conga mining project well founded
Peru: Columbia Law School’s report says Conga mining project "risks violating” World Bank’s standards, threatens "irreparable harm" to the environment and human rights
U.S. Federal Court Action Requests Information from Newmont Regarding Repression of Protests at its Conga Mine Project [Peru]
[PDF] Press Release
Peru's Yanacocha Says Protesters Vandalised Mine
Peru: Conga protest camp fired on
Available languages: español -
¿Conga a sangre y fuego? [Perú]
Available languages: español -
Peru: mining company rejects Conga referendum
Peru’s Conga Mine: A chance to get it right, or business as usual?
$4.8 billion Peru gold mine project suspended
Peru environment official resigns amid protests by peasants who fear mines will harm water
View full case