Addressing Security and Human Rights Challenges in Complex Environments
The Toolkit has the form of an overall guidance document with references to a selection of the most relevant existing resources and tools. Based on the priorities identified in the scoping study, the first two tools focus on: 1) “Working with host governments”, and 2) “Working with public security forces”. The Toolkit is a living document, allowing for ongoing work and updates. Further chapters and sections are under development. The Toolkit highlights common challenges surrounding the engagement with host governments and public security forces that companies face in different contexts. Recommendations are provided on how to address these challenges building on what the VPs, the VPs Implementation Guidance Tools and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights specifically say on those issues. The Toolkit also draws on the body of security sector reform (SSR) good practices and lessons learned. Practical tools such as checklists, templates and cases studies will be progressively integrated in the Toolkit. These will be geared towards supporting project-level implementation. To facilitate further research by its users, references to source documents are provided together with recommendations. The Toolkit allows easy navigation from one section to another and quick access to materials.