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6 Mar 2024

By Migrant-Rights.Org

Bahrain: Govt. to collect indemnity for migrants from employers amid co. failure to settle workers' dues; incl. recent case of abuse by Awal Gulf Industries

See all tags Allegations

“Bahrain’s government will now collect contributions for migrant workers' indemnity and disburse them directly”

Starting from March 2024, Bahrain’s General Authority for the Social Insurance Organization (SIO, also known as GOSI) will begin implementation of Resolution No. 109 of 2023, and start collecting end-of-service contributions from employers with workers insured under GOSI in the private sector, and subsequently disburse them to migrant workers.

…It is common for employers to declare bankruptcy, file absconding cases, terminate residency permits, or repatriate workers without settling their rightful benefits…

…this policy has encountered resistance from some employers and officials…

…questions remain about its implementation and the ease of accessibility for migrants to claim their benefits…

…the new system fails to address the plight of the numerous migrants currently stranded in Bahrain awaiting their indemnity…

…In recent months, hundreds of migrant workers from Awal Gulf Industries…became redundant after the company liquidated due to financial challenges. These workers, many of whom had dedicated many years of service, were abandoned without receiving their rightful salaries and indemnity, amounting to tens of thousands of dinars. Sources close to the matter reveal that the company allegedly falsified signatures of workers to indicate receipt of their dues…