Body Believed to Be Missing Worker Found Near Site of Oil Rig Blast [USA]
A body believed to be one of the workers missing since an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico exploded was recovered late last night in the water near the platform...John Hoffman, president and CEO of Black Elk Energy, which owns the platform, vowed to continue looking for the second worker...Black [Elk] Energy...said one of 22 contractors on board mistakenly grabbed a blow torch instead of a saw to cut a pipe line that had 28 gallons of oil inside, igniting the blast. Everyone on board was employed by Grand Isle Shipyard... Of the 11 injured workers who were air-lifted to safety, four had severe burns...The rig had been expected to begin oil production again later this month. Because the rig was offline, the Coast Guard said there is little risk of a major spill. [Also refers to BP]