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25 Sep 2020

boohoo Group

boohoo response to Independent Review

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"Publication of and response to Independent Review", 25 September 2020

Ms Levitt's Independent Review has identified many failings in the Leicester supply chain and recommended improvements to boohoo's related corporate governance, compliance and monitoring processes. It goes on to state that there is ample evidence that the steps which Boohoo is now taking in relation to remedying problems in its Leicester supply chain had been implemented nearly a year ago. They were a product of processes it had itself put in place and not just a reaction to the negative publicity in July and August 2020. Nevertheless, with the benefit of hindsight we regret that these processes did not advance quickly enough.

Ms Levitt is satisfied that boohoo did not deliberately allow poor conditions and low pay to exist within its supply chain, it did not intentionally profit from them and its business model is not founded on exploiting workers in Leicester.... The Board has reviewed and is wholly supportive of Ms Levitt's recommendations, and intends to implement these in full...
