Brazil: Report by Amazon Watch and Apib points out that indigenous lands are still a target for big mining companies; includes comments from companies

The fourth edition of the report "Complicity in destruction IV - How mining companies and international investors contribute to the violation of indigenous rights and threaten the future of the Amazon" brings together a series of data and information on the advance of the interests of large mining companies on indigenous lands in the country since 2020.
Made in partnership between the Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (Apib) and the NGO Amazon Watch, it also addresses the role of the mining industry in climate change and the devastation of biodiversity in Brazil and exposes the socio-environmental impacts of the activity on indigenous peoples and their lands, especially in the Amazon.
The report also names the companies that lead and finance "the race for mineral resources and presents recommendations to put an end to the "chain of destruction" in Indigenous Lands.
To access the full report, visit:
The BHRRC invited the companies that allegedly lead and finance this "chain of destruction" on Indigenous Lands to comment on the report.
Crédit Agricole and Commerzbank responded.
Citigroup, Capital Group, Bank of America, Vanguard, BlackRock, Bradesco, PREVI and SMBC Group did not respond.