Brazil: Agência Pública says residents evicted for Olympics are receiving unauthorized charges from Banco do Brasil regarding their housing program; includes company comments
“City Breaks Agreement, Leaving Residents Evicted for Olympics in Debt”, 26 July 2016
Residents of the West Zone resettled through the Minha Casa Minha Vida...federal housing program are receiving unauthorized charges from Banco do Brasil, generating insecurity and fear; some are getting a bad credit record with the SPC Brasil credit bureau. When they were forcibly removed due to the construction of the TransOlímpica Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) line...[considered one of the legacies of the Olympic Games in Brazil]..., the former residents of Rua Ipadu, São Sebastião and Vila União de Curicica–favelas in Rio de Janeiros’ West Zone–did not have many options...The Consortium Via Rio, composed of CCR, Odebrecht and Invepar manage the project...[,]...responsible for registering families to be removed, demolishing houses and relocating the residents...[Residents]...reported...: after more than a year living there, to this day they do not have copies of contracts for the apartments...Banco do Brasil...[said]...: “We fulfilled all our obligations to date and await the public entity to rectify the situation.”...After “understandings” between the Banco do Brasil and the public agency...“the issue is being looked into so that the transfers are made.”...