Brazil: Residents allege they were under siege in their homes due to military police action to promote “pacification” for the Olympics
“Residents Under Siege: Police Enter with Guns Blazing in Maré Favelas for Three Consecutive Days”, 30 July 2016
We are suffering from police invasions across three consecutive days in some Maré favelas,…Rio…Since…July 29…[morning]…, residents have heard shots all day long and have been unable to come and go from their home…During the day I had to dive to the ground several times in my home to avoid being hit by…bullets that kill,…that prevent us from living and moving through the city. For yet another day classes were canceled for some schools in the Maré favelas. Innumerable children without class, innumerable people unable to go to work, many businesses closed…Why are the favelas always massacred in the name of a mega-event? Why do we have to pay with our lives for an event put on for a rich minority of the population?...