Chinese Investments in Asia: A Labour Perspective

Asia Monitor Resource Centre
"Chinese Investments in Asia: A Labour Perspective" 2020
Chinese Capital Footprint in Indonesia: A Dirty Energy and its Contradictions
Swanvri and Alfian Al’Ayubbi Pelu (Sedane Labour Resource Centre (LIPS), Indonesia)
[...] Today, China is Indonesia’s biggest capital supplier, especially in the energy sector. In this sector, most of China’s capital is concentrated in the coal subsector. [...] This paper is an attempt to understand the context, forms, and different strategies of China’s capital operating in Indonesia, including resistance and responses from workers and the public. [...]
Infrastructure development projects can sometimes be problematic. First, such projects require a lot of land. Secondly, those projects impact people’s livelihood. Since the beginning, PLTU Celukan Bawang construction in Bali has been full of manipulation. For example, Environmental Impact Analysis (called AMDAL) and the data used to support the argument was augmented fraudulently, bribery was used to obtain the project’s location, several evictions were enacted during the land acquisition process, and administrative fraud occurred during the PLTU Celukan Bawang construction in Bali. [...]