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8 Mar 2021


Colombia: 53% of global environmental defender murders in 2020 happened in the country, according to Front Line Defenders report

They tried to kidnap Irma Lemus (center) on her journey into exile. Photo: Radio Progreso.

“Over half of global environmental defender murders in 2020 in Colombia: report”, 02 March 2021

...The analysis examined 331 homicides of leaders who fight for the defense of the land, the environment, Indigenous peoples, women and the LGBTIQ community. Of these, 177 cases occurred in Colombia....Many of those killed, the report states, supported communities in their fight against COVID-19 , worked on food security issues, access to medical care and were critical of governments. For Front Line Defenders , the health crisis increased risks, especially for women defenders, leaders of the LGBTIQ community and vulnerable populations such as refugees, migrants and sex workers...Colombia accounts for 53% of all rights defenders cases globally in 2020...69% of the murders that occurred last year occurred against leaders who worked in defense of the land, the environment and the rights of Indigenous peoples...In Colombia, violence has been particularly directed against those who participate in the implementation of the Peace Agreement with the guerrillas of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Farc), those who are part of the initiatives to replace drug crops, and those who oppose natural resources extraction projects...Human rights defenders not only have to protect themselves from physical attacks and murder, but also from digital attacks.26% received threats via social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram; 16% were hacked or had their social media accounts compromised; 11% reported telephone surveillance; another 11% reported physical monitoring and 9% said that devices with important information were confiscated or stolen from them...
