Comunicado REMA

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The ejido of Carrizalillo informs the general public that yesterday, after numerous attempts to reach an agreement to resolve the shut down at Equinox Gold’s Los Filos mine, we are faced once again with a company negotiating team incapable of understanding the many efforts that the ejido has made over and over again.
Today, 50 Canadian, Mexican, and international organizations, including the British Columbia General Employees Union (BCGEU) and the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs (UBCIC), wrote to the British Columbia Investment Management Corporation (BCI) regarding its investment in Vancouver-based mining company Equinox Gold.
The undersigned organizations write with deep concern for the risks to health and safety of the community of Carrizalillo in Guerrero, Mexico on whose land Equinox Gold’s flagship Los Filos gold mine operates.
Our ejido is ready to see you go, but we are also prepared to develop an agreement that is more dignified. The formula is simple. We will not negotiate at the cost of what we have already suffered in terms of harms to our health, the environment or to continue arguing over absurdities about whether it is possible for you to provide us with clean water because you still doubt if you should or not install a water treatment plant, revealing the economic costs that your company is not willing to assume, while the harms we face are serious as a result of bathing with arsenic-laced water since it’s all we have because the mine has destroyed our clean water sources. Enough with your colonial, racist and discriminatory attitude in which good faith is a phrase that really means abuse and lies.
Landowners claim Canadian-owned mine has not fulfilled contractual obligations