Part of the following timelines
Mexican Government files lawsuits against gun manufacturers & dealers in US courts over alleged negligence & targeting sales at criminals
US Supreme court will decide whether to block a $10bn lawsuit Mexico filed against gun manufacturers for alleged negligent and illegal commercial practices
US judge dismissed claims against six of the eight gunmakers Mexico sued for allegedly facilitating the trafficking of firearms to violent drug cartels
Mexico: International Commission of Jurists and Due Process of Law Foundation submit opinion on corporate responsibility and private firearm ownership to Inter-American Court of Human Rights
The two organisations submitted legal comments in response to Mexico's request for an Advisory Opinion from the Court. The Court is expected to issue its Advisory Opinion in 2024.
México: Gobierno podría acudir ante la Corte Suprema de EEUU en el caso contra empresas fabricantes de armas
Available languages: español -
Mexico: Gov. urges US court to revive lawsuit seeking to hold gun manufacturers responsible for facilitating the trafficking of weapons
Inter-American Court of Human Rights: México requested an Advisory Opinion on the international responsibility of firearms manufacturers
Mexico appeals dismissal of lawsuit against US-based gun manufacturers
Mexico launches appeal in suit against US gun manufacturers
"Mexico has filed an appeal in a civil lawsuit against U.S.-based gun manufacturers...looking to crack down on the trafficking of weapons to powerful drug cartels."
Appellant Estados Unidos Mexicanos' Brief in United States Court of Appeals against firearms manufacturers
México: Gobierno presenta ante la Corte IDH una solicitud de Opinión Consultiva sobre las actividades de empresas privadas de armas y sus efectos en los derechos humanos
Available languages: español -
Notice of Appeal by Estados Unidos Mexicanos in Estados Unidos Mexicanos v. Smith & Wesson Brands, Inc. Case, D. Massachusetts
Mexico files 2nd lawsuit against arms dealers in US
México: Gobierno de México demanda por segunda vez a empresas fabricantes de armas en EEUU
Available languages: español -
US Judge Dismisses Mexico Lawsuit Against Gun Manufacturers
"A United States federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit brought by the Mexican government against U.S. gun manufacturers that argued their commercial practices has led to bloodshed in Mexico."
US judge expected to rule any day on gun companies' request to dismiss Mexican Govt. negligence lawsuit against them
"As mass shootings continue in the US, does Mexico’s lawsuit against gun corporations have a chance?"
Mexico: With gun violence on the rise, importance of lawsuit against arms companies is recalled
USA: Gun manufacturers to ask judge to dismiss $10 billion lawsuit by Mexican Govt. over facilitating trafficking of guns to drug cartels
Norteamérica: Empresas armamentísticas de Estados Unidos expondrán sus argumentos en la demanda interpuesta por el Gobierno mexicano por su responsabilidad en la situación de seguridad del país
Available languages: español -
Norteamérica: Aceptación de responsabilidad legal de la empresa de armas Remington Arms por tiroteo podría beneficiar al caso de México contra ocho armeros estadounidenses
Available languages: español -
América: Procuradores estatales y fiscales de cuatro países se unen como "amigos de la corte" en demanda contra empresas de armas
Available languages: español -
Estados Unidos: Activistas de diversos estados de ese país apoyan la demanda de México contra las empresas fabricantes de armamentos por su responsabilidad en la criminalidad y la violencia
Available languages: español -
Several USA states, along with Antigua and Barbuda and Belize, support Mexico’s lawsuit against USA gun makers
Several U.S. states a two Latin American and Caribbean nations declared their support over a lawsuit from Mexico accussing several U.S. gun manufacturers of “facilitating the trafficking of weapons to drug cartels”.
Amicus Brief Supporting Plaintiff's Opposition to Defendants' Motion to Dismiss: Estados Unidos Mexicanos v. Smith & Wesson Brands, Inc., et al.
México: Corte de Distrito de Massachusetts conocerá demanda civil interpuesta por responsabilidad de empresas fabricantes y distribuidoras de armas sobre la situación de seguridad en el país
Available languages: español -
México: Estado presenta demanda a Corte de EE.UU. señalando a 11 productoras y distribuidoras de armas de promover prácticas comerciales "negligentes e ilícitas, que facilitan el tráfico ilegal"
Available languages: español -
Mexican Government sues six gun manufacturers in US court over alleged negligence and targeting sales at criminals
Mexico is seeking up to $10bn in damages and tighter controls in an unprecedented lawsuit
Regional: Gobierno mexicano interpone demanda contra empresas fabricantes de armas en Estados Unidos por su rol en el aumento de inseguridad en el país
Available languages: español
View full story
Mexican Government files lawsuits against gun manufacturers & dealers in US courts over alleged negligence & targeting sales at criminals
US Supreme court will decide whether to block a $10bn lawsuit Mexico filed against gun manufacturers for alleged negligent and illegal commercial practices
US judge dismissed claims against six of the eight gunmakers Mexico sued for allegedly facilitating the trafficking of firearms to violent drug cartels
Mexico: International Commission of Jurists and Due Process of Law Foundation submit opinion on corporate responsibility and private firearm ownership to Inter-American Court of Human Rights
The two organisations submitted legal comments in response to Mexico's request for an Advisory Opinion from the Court. The Court is expected to issue its Advisory Opinion in 2024.
México: Gobierno podría acudir ante la Corte Suprema de EEUU en el caso contra empresas fabricantes de armas
Available languages: español -
Mexico: Gov. urges US court to revive lawsuit seeking to hold gun manufacturers responsible for facilitating the trafficking of weapons
Inter-American Court of Human Rights: México requested an Advisory Opinion on the international responsibility of firearms manufacturers
Mexico appeals dismissal of lawsuit against US-based gun manufacturers
Mexico launches appeal in suit against US gun manufacturers
"Mexico has filed an appeal in a civil lawsuit against U.S.-based gun manufacturers...looking to crack down on the trafficking of weapons to powerful drug cartels."
Appellant Estados Unidos Mexicanos' Brief in United States Court of Appeals against firearms manufacturers
México: Gobierno presenta ante la Corte IDH una solicitud de Opinión Consultiva sobre las actividades de empresas privadas de armas y sus efectos en los derechos humanos
Available languages: español -
Notice of Appeal by Estados Unidos Mexicanos in Estados Unidos Mexicanos v. Smith & Wesson Brands, Inc. Case, D. Massachusetts
Mexico files 2nd lawsuit against arms dealers in US
México: Gobierno de México demanda por segunda vez a empresas fabricantes de armas en EEUU
Available languages: español -
US Judge Dismisses Mexico Lawsuit Against Gun Manufacturers
"A United States federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit brought by the Mexican government against U.S. gun manufacturers that argued their commercial practices has led to bloodshed in Mexico."
US judge expected to rule any day on gun companies' request to dismiss Mexican Govt. negligence lawsuit against them
"As mass shootings continue in the US, does Mexico’s lawsuit against gun corporations have a chance?"
Mexico: With gun violence on the rise, importance of lawsuit against arms companies is recalled
USA: Gun manufacturers to ask judge to dismiss $10 billion lawsuit by Mexican Govt. over facilitating trafficking of guns to drug cartels
Norteamérica: Empresas armamentísticas de Estados Unidos expondrán sus argumentos en la demanda interpuesta por el Gobierno mexicano por su responsabilidad en la situación de seguridad del país
Available languages: español -
Norteamérica: Aceptación de responsabilidad legal de la empresa de armas Remington Arms por tiroteo podría beneficiar al caso de México contra ocho armeros estadounidenses
Available languages: español -
América: Procuradores estatales y fiscales de cuatro países se unen como "amigos de la corte" en demanda contra empresas de armas
Available languages: español -
Estados Unidos: Activistas de diversos estados de ese país apoyan la demanda de México contra las empresas fabricantes de armamentos por su responsabilidad en la criminalidad y la violencia
Available languages: español -
Several USA states, along with Antigua and Barbuda and Belize, support Mexico’s lawsuit against USA gun makers
Several U.S. states a two Latin American and Caribbean nations declared their support over a lawsuit from Mexico accussing several U.S. gun manufacturers of “facilitating the trafficking of weapons to drug cartels”.
Amicus Brief Supporting Plaintiff's Opposition to Defendants' Motion to Dismiss: Estados Unidos Mexicanos v. Smith & Wesson Brands, Inc., et al.
México: Corte de Distrito de Massachusetts conocerá demanda civil interpuesta por responsabilidad de empresas fabricantes y distribuidoras de armas sobre la situación de seguridad en el país
Available languages: español -
México: Estado presenta demanda a Corte de EE.UU. señalando a 11 productoras y distribuidoras de armas de promover prácticas comerciales "negligentes e ilícitas, que facilitan el tráfico ilegal"
Available languages: español -
Mexican Government sues six gun manufacturers in US court over alleged negligence and targeting sales at criminals
Mexico is seeking up to $10bn in damages and tighter controls in an unprecedented lawsuit
Regional: Gobierno mexicano interpone demanda contra empresas fabricantes de armas en Estados Unidos por su rol en el aumento de inseguridad en el país
Available languages: español
View full story