Effective company-level grievance mechanisms: multi-stakeholder perspectives and examples from practice
Room XXII, Palais des Nations, Geneva. Monday, 16 November 2015 4.40-6.00 p.m
While these mechanisms in theory may play an important role in providing access to remedy for those adversely impacted by business operations, there is little evidence and data available that they do so in practice... Organized by UN Global Compact and ACCESS Facility, this session will feature experiences and practical examples from business, civil society, trade unions, local communities, company-community mediators and global experts to offer better insight and understanding of what makes company-level grievance mechanisms effective in practice. Panelists will discuss three core questions:
1. What is the relationship between stakeholder engagement, due diligence and company-level grievance mechanisms?
2. What are the most important success factors or challenges for an effective company-level grievance mechanism company?
3. What is needed in order to help companies setting up grievance mechanisms that provide effective remedy in practice - what works and what doesn’t?
Moderator: Brian Ganson, Head, Africa Centre for Dispute Settlement, Univ. of Stellenbosch Business School
- Gina Barbieri, Senior Specialist, Dispute Resolution, Compliance Advisor Ombudsman (CAO)
- Mia Corpus, Executive Director for the Conflict Resolution Group Foundation, Philippines
- Dwight Justice, Policy Advisor, International Trade Union Confederation
- Katherine McDonnell, Bertha Legal Fellow, EarthRights International
- Anupama Mohan, Advisor Sustainability, Statoil AsA