Part of the following timelines
Access to work in Jordan & Lebanon for Syrian refugees, migrant workers & host populations
A WEF Call to Action: How CEOs Can Help Deliver Solutions for Refugees and Host Communities
Where do we go now?
As Jordan's garment sector grows, activists push for better migrant workers' rights
Teaching coding to young refugees will generate job opportunities to thousands
Labour Ministry urged to implement ‘clear standards’ for expulsion of migrant workers
Berlin Spends Over €400bln on Scheme to Employ Refugees in Middle East
Can Jordan get a million Syrians into work?
In Jordan, an empowering solution for UN-run refugee camps
UNHCR hosts Winter Bazaar to support refugees, disadvantaged communities
A Missed Opportunity: Employing Syrian Refugees in Jordan
الأردن: اللاجئون السوريون: معاناة بالحصول على تصاريح العمل
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الأردن: 193 تحقيقا بقضايا "اتجار بالبشر" العام الحالي.. والمحاكم تقبل 15 منها
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الأردن: %70 من العمال المهاجرين بدون تصاريح عمل
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Legal employment gives Syrians in Jordan a lifeline
المرصد العمالي الأردني يطلق حملة "حقي اشتغل بكرامة" للتوعية بمعايير العمل اللائق
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UNHCR, ILO and World Bank: Majority of surveyed Syrian workers in Jordan believe their employers will not sponsor them
Jordan: IKEA collaboration with Syrian refugee women offers steady, year-round employment
Small hands, enormous commitments: Child labor among Syrian refugee children in Lebanon
Jordan: 50 companies participate in ILO job fair offering 1,600 work opportunities to Syrian refugees
Report: 530,000 Syrian children remain out of education in Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan; work permits required to reduce poverty-related barriers to education
الأردن: نحو 145 ألف عامل سوري بدون تصاريح عمل
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Lebanon: ILO, Ministry of Labour, and Norwegian Embassy launch support centre for local and refugee child labourers
Fleifel did not respond to allegations re denying wages of migrant workers
رجال الأعمال يزعمون أن مصنع فليفل ضحية حملة ابتزاز برغم دفع مستحقات جميع العمال
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نقابات العمال اللبنانية ترد على تصريح مالك شركة فليفل بعدم وجود عمال غير لبنانيين في الشركة
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Jordan’s Social Security Corporation signs agreement with ILO to improve occupational safety in factories
Jordan: ILO and UNHCR inaugurate first employment office in Zaatari refugee camp
عمال شركة فليفل اللبنانية يعتصمون للمطالبة بدفع مستحقاتهم
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Jordan: ILO, Ministry of Labour, and Trade Unions Federation sign agreement to issue work permits to Syrian refugees in construction and agriculture
Lebanon: ILO guidebook reviews public employment programmes to reduce unemployment among host communities and refugees
Bringing facts back to Lebanon's refugee conversation
Jordan: Report examines barriers to inclusion of Syrian refugees in labour market
Lebanon: Syrian construction workers suffer from poor living conditions and sponsorship system restrictions
How have Syrian refugees contributed to Lebanon’s economy?
'A challenging market becomes more challenging: Jordanian workers, migrant workers & refugees in the Jordanian labour market'
الأردن: تقرير منظمة العمل - التأخرفي دفع الأجور وساعات العمل الطويلة ضمن التحديات التي يواجهها العمال المهاجرون واللاجئون وسبب في زيادة بطالة الأردنيين
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Jordan: Better Work 2017 report finds forced labour, abuses of freedom of association & health & safety commonplace in garment factories
Jobs make the difference: Expanding economic opportunities for Syrian refugees & host communities
IKEA to employ Syrian refugees at production centers in Jordan
Jordan: Govt., EU & ILO launch EU-Jordan Compact pilot project to facilitate trade & create jobs for both Syrian refugees & Jordanians
Jordan: ILO launches e-learning programme on labour rights & responsibilities for Syrian refugees
Jordan: 60,000 Syrian refugee children working in dangerous conditions
Jordan: New garment sector alliance seeks to create opportunities for refugees and local workforce
Commentary: Why jobs in special economic zones won't solve the problems facing the world's refugees
الأردن يعتمد نهجًا جديدًا إزاء اللاجئين السوريين ويعتبرهم "فرصة إنمائية" للإقتصاد المحلي
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Commentary: "I visited a Syrian refugee camp, & here’s what business leaders should know"
هيومن رايتس ووتش: قانون جديد في لبنان يعفي بعض اللاجئين السوريين من رسوم الإقامة
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Jordan: Working and living conditions of migrant workers & refugees
الحكومة الأردنية تقرر رفع رسوم تصاريح العمالة المهاجرة والقطاع الزراعي يحتج
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Jordan: NGO evaluation reveals weaknesses of international assistance programme to improve economic opportunities for refugees & vulnerable Jordanians
Jordan and Lebanon: Syrians face significant legal obstacles and discrimination in accessing the job market
Jordan: UNHCR compact 1 year on - challenges for access to school & work for Syrian refugees remain
الأردن: عمال وافدون بمصنع القمة للألبسة بمدينة الحسن الصناعية يشكون العنف اللفظي والسكن غير الملائم
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Jordan: NGO reports poor working conditions and degrading treatment for migrant workers in garment factory in Al Hassan Industrial Zone
Jordan: Workers may bear the cost of unifying guest worker fees
لبنان: غلق محلات تجارية للاجئين سوريين في محافظة الشمال
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لبنان: متظاهرون يغلقون محال سورية في سوق الجمال احتجاجًا على العمالة السورية
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Liban : Les enfants pauvres libanais & les enfants réfugiés syriens également confrontés au travail & à la déscolarisation
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IKEA among first companies to support initiative to provide jobs to Syrian refugees in Jordan
Jordan-EU meeting on 'EU rules of origin' trade deal postponed indefinitely
Lebanon: Despite international donors’ projects, Syrian refugees suffer from unemployment
Lebanon: Lebanese workers protest against unfair competition by foreign workers
Addressing the Syrian refugee crisis: Recommendations for the next administration
Jordan: Challenges with providing legal jobs for Syrian refugees
U.S. Corporate Leadership Amidst the Refugee Crisis: A View from Jordan
#RefugeesWelcome: U.S. Companies Setting the Standard for Inclusive Hiring
Syrians in the Labour Market, Reality, Opportunities and Challenges
Jordan: Report reveals challenges refugees living outside camps encounter obtaining official documents
Lebanon: Work restrictions on Syrian refugees increase unemployment and hardship
Lebanon: Stronger commitment to rights and social justice needed in the Tripoli Special Economic Zone
Jordan: USA removes garment industry from forced labour list
Syrian crisis: EU ready to step up on partnerships with Lebanon and Jordan
Jordan: Efforts to formalise the work of Syrian waste pickers and the dangers of informality
World Bank: Social assessment for program on "economic opportunities for Jordanians and Syrian refugees"
Jordan Deal With Donors Means Legal Work for Syria Refugees
How Refugees Can Strengthen Economies
EU-Jordan trade: rules of origin made simple to boost investment and job creation
Gudrun & Gudrun knitwear expands Jordan project to employ Syrian refugees
Syrian refugees and Jordanian host communities set to benefit from German-funded ILO jobs and infrastructure project
Jordan extends waiver period for Syrian refugee permits
Mid-Year Report: 3RP - Regional Refugee & Resilience Plan In Response to the Syria Crisis
Jordan: High expectations for job creation for Syrian refugees, if foreign govts. come through with aid
Employment through Labour Intensive Infrastructure in Jordan
UNHCR and partners warn in Syria report of growing poverty, refugee needs
Jordan: Govt. says 11,500 work permits issued to Syrians
EBRD and UK to tackle refugee crisis in Jordan
A critical juncture: Syrian refugees and migrant workers in Jordan
Peace, bread and work - Jobs for Syrian refugees help them and their hosts, and slow their exodus
"A push for education and livelihoods for refugees in Jordan"
ILO Response: Syrian Refugee Crisis
Jordan Tests Ground for Large Jobs Program for Syria Refugees
Work permit boost gives hope to Syrian refugees in Jordan
Access to jobs improving for Syrian refugees in Jordan
World Bank approves US$100 million in financing to create 100,000 jobs for Jordanians, Syrian refugees
Syrian Bedouin refugees find work on Jordanian farm
Access to work for Syrian refugees in Jordan: A discussion paper on labour and refugee laws and policies
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